I have heard the term Light worker. What does that mean?
A "light worker" is someone who acknowledges the existence of God in their hearts and chooses to live and act from that point of contact.
What is the emphasis of the Chapel?
Our emphasis is on God, not on phenomena, and our message is that God resides inside each individual, not "out there" in the sky somewhere. The goal of humanity is to acknowledge the internal Higher Power that propels us through out life and to consciously choose to allow that Higher Power to work.
Why would people choose to attend the Chapel?
You'll find no dogma at the Chapel of Life. We strive to operate from the Universal Christ Consciousness, therefore, we accept people as we find them. We don't seek to change anyone. People come to our Chapel because they are free thinkers. They are questioners, and they want to hear a different message than the one played for generations. Something inside of them has said "Wake Up! There's more to life then this." And so they find there way home.
Who may become a member of the Chapel?
Membership in our Chapel does not require renouncement of any other affiliation. Only a choice to serve the God in yourself-so you may then prepare yourself to serve the God in others. We extend our hands in grateful service and we salute The Light in all.
Why do prayers often start with Father, Mother, God?
In accordance with the universal Laws we are all masculine and feminine energy. Our prayers recognize and glorify both aspects of being.
Healing & Counseling at the Chapel
The healing and counseling programs and information provided by the Metaphysical Chapel of life are not intended to replace or supercede any professional counseling or treatment from any doctor or practitioner.
The Metaphysical Chapel of Life's dedicated and authorized Healers and Ministers do not claim to diagnose, cure, prescribe for or treat any disease or illness, nor dispense medical advice. Our mission is to provide spiritual information, spiritual energy and exchange healing Love and Light which the individual may apply according to their own free will and choice, in accordance with their own spiritual and religious beliefs.