One way to share your positive energy with the Chapel is to become a board member of the Metaphysical Chapel of Life. It is time to begin the planning the decision making process for the election of (returning and/or new) officers to the Chapel's Board of Directors. Since positive, responsible leadership is essential for the success of the Chapel, we hope that everyone will participate in this process.
If you've never attended one of our board meetings, we strongly encourage you to attend the next one. All are welcome to attend and observe. Meetings are typically the 1st Sunday of the month unless otherwise noted, following Sunday Services (usually starting at 1pm, and going for about two hours). Our remaining 2024 board meetings are:
- Sunday, December 1st, 2024 (Election Day + Last Board meeting of the year)
Elections are held annually: - online ballots are sent out one week prior to the first Sunday in December. In 2024, the online ballots will be sent out two weeks prior—on November 18th—due to the first Sunday in December being on Thanksgiving weekend. - paper (in-person) ballots are available during Chapel services on the first Sunday in December for all Chapel Members who are present and who have not already voted online.
The Board of Ministers is responsible for running the elections' voting process--you can speak with a current member of the Board of Directors, or a Chapel Minister for information on the process and/or serving on the Board of Directors.
WHO SHOULD RUN? Members of the Metaphysical Chapel of Life who feel that they are ready to make a dedicated commitment of time and energy to the Chapel.
Board members don't need to be residents of Virginia, but must be members of the Metaphysical Chapel of Life.
Board nominee preference, but not a prerequisite, is to have been a member for at least one year.
to have had regular and consistent attendance,
positive relationships with other members,
to have participated in services to the church,
to have a major focus on the support of the church’s foundation and philosophy, solidity, durability and well-being;
ability to work with others as a team.
The board meets typically on the first Sunday of the month following Sunday Services, and attendance at board meetings is necessary for our success as a board. Please read through the responsibilities of board members below (by position, as well as the "All Directors and Officers" and "...IN ADDITION..." sections).
These offices are not empty titles; they are positions of responsibility held on a working board.
If you feel it is time to give of yourself in return for the service the Chapel has given to you, please choose to run for office. If you have questions about serving on the board, please speak with a board member or minister at the Chapel. In the months leading up to elections, a nominations committee chair will be identified. You can find our guiding statements and links to our board and ministers at
Once added to the ballot, you'll be asked to provide a photo and bio including:
Minimum: - when you joined the chapel / how long you've been attending and/or a member - previous volunteer service at the chapel, if any
Optional, to help our members learn more about you: - why you want to give back to the Chapel in this way, including how the Chapel has impacted their spiritual journey - career background, and/or special skills or experience relevant to service on the board, or for the specific board role you're running for
Note: Please ensure you're subscribed and receiving our weekly newsletter to obtain current updates on elections, who's running, and to receive your electronic ballot.
ELECTION PROCEDURES Directors need not be residents of Virginia but must be members of the Metaphysical Chapel of Life. The Board of Directors and its officers shall be elected annually by direct vote of the membership of the Metaphysical Chapel of Life.
Nominations for the officers and at-large directors for the board shall be made in November of each year. Elections of the Board of Directors are held on the first Sunday in December. The terms of office shall be from January 1st to December 31st of the calendar year for which they are elected. Each person nominated for and elected to the Board of Directors must be a member of the Metaphysical Chapel of Life. Officers and Directors may serve successive terms.
A nominating committee will be formed and will present the names of confirming candidates to the Board of Directors during the month of November. As each candidate confirms their acceptance to run for an office, their names will be posted on the bulletin board. The posting is to ensure that everyone will have an opportunity to become familiar with them and help them make their decisions before the election date.
The election of officers will be held by absentee ballot (online) in the week leading up to the first Sunday, and in person during the first Sunday service in December. Results will be certified and announced shortly thereafter (usually by the end of the Sunday Service in which in-person voting takes place).
The absentee ballot procedure is being used in conjunction with in-person voting to create maximum, equitable opportunities for all members to vote. The absentee process will be by separate Newsletter sent exclusively to current members, for the purpose of voting. Be sure you receive emails from the Chapel in your inbox. We encourage all members to participate in and attend the elections and vote for the nominees they feel have the ability to lead them and the Chapel through a successful 2023.
General Duties Based on The Metaphysical Chapel of Life By-Laws
OFFICERS The officers of the Church shall be a President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and three (3) at large directors who are elected by the Metaphysical Chapel of Life church members. Officers whose authority and duties are not prescribed in these By Laws shall be given authority and perform duties as prescribed, from time to time, as directed and deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
PRESIDENT The President shall be the principle executive officer of the Church. Subject to the direction and guidance of the Board of Directors, the President shall see that the resolutions and directives of the Board of Directors are carried into effect except in those instances in which that responsibility is assigned to some other person; and, in general, the President shall discharge all duties incident to the office of president and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.
VICE-PRESIDENT The Vice President shall serve as primary assistant to the President; shall fill the functions of the President in situations wherein the President is unavailable; serve as the President if, for any reason the President is unable to complete the term of office.
SECRETARY The Secretary shall objectively, precisely and accurately transcribe the minutes of the meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors in one or more books provided for that purpose; sees that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these By Laws or as required by law; be custodian of the Church records; keep a register of the post office address of each member which shall be furnished to the secretary by such member; retrieve and distribute phone mail messages, keep all forms and information for membership distribution updated and visible for the membership, and perform all duties incident to the office of secretary and such other duties as from time to time be assigned to the secretary by the Board of Directors. A skillful knowledge of computers, technology and electronics is required.
TREASURER The Treasurer shall be the principle accounting and financial officer of the Church. The Treasurer shall: (a) have charge of and be responsible for the maintenance of adequate books of account for the Church; (b) have charge and custody of all funds and securities of the Church, and be responsible therefore, and for the receipt and disbursement thereof and perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as, from time to time, may be assigned to the Treasurer by the Board of Directors.
AT LARGE DIRECTORS Three (3) at large directors are elected by the Metaphysical Chapel of Life church members. See duties below.
Provide leadership for the Chapel by discussing and voting upon issues and matters pertaining to the administrative, financial, maintenance and housekeeping affairs of the Chapel.
Shall make self familiar with the Metaphysical Chapel of Life By-Laws and the Policies of the church.
Serve as willing liaisons between members of the Chapel and the Board of Directors.
Oversee projects at the discretion of the board members and president.
Attend all monthly joint meetings of the Boards which are held to maintain full communication and growth among the Ministers, Directors and Members of the Chapel.
Make recommendations to the Board of Ministers for approval/disapproval regarding certifications for novitiate healing practitioner/healing practitioners, novitiate ministers and ministers prior to submission to the Church of Enlightenment.
Make recommendations as needed to the Board of Ministers expressing requests of the members and Board of Directors concerning matters of the Chapel under the cognizance of the Board of Ministers.
Programs, workshops and guest speakers under the auspices of the Chapel shall have joint approval of the Board of Directors and Ministerial Board.
May serve, at the discretion of the Board of Ministers, on the Chapel podium during services, but are not required to do so.
Positions on the board are open to Chapel members only.
A board member’s term is for one year; January 1st through December 31st of the elected year. If desired, they can run for office again for the upcoming year.
The main duties of the board of directors shall be to conduct and oversee the physical well-being of the church which encompasses the administrative, financial, operational, maintenance and the overall tidiness and cleaning tasks of the Church.
Board officers are expected to adhere to ethical behavior and to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of any personal information to which they have access or for which they are responsible.
Board nominee preference, but not a prerequisite, is to have been a member for one year.
to have had regular and consistent attendance,
positive relationship with other members,
to have participated in services to the church,
to have a major focus on the support of the church’s foundation and philosophy, solidity, durability and well-being;
ability to work with others as a team.
The officers of the Church shall be elected by majority vote of the Metaphysical Chapel of Life church members on the first Sunday of each December.
Board Officers and Directors shall not receive any stated salaries for their services, to include classes, workshops or seminars. All positions are voluntary.
An elected member can be removed from the board by majority vote for unethical behavior or, whenever, in the judgment of the board, the best interest of the Church would be thereby served
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held without other notice than the By Laws, on the first Sunday of each month following regular service—unless members vote to change a date in advance.
Your Free-Will Donations Support Our Growing Chapel Community
The ongoing operation and growth of our Metaphysical Chapel of Life has been made possible over almost 40 years by our all-volunteer (unpaid) ministers, board of directors, healers, and volunteers. Your generous donations help us maintain our vital, physical space on the peninsula (in Newport News, VA), maintain and upgrade our audiovisual systems, online presence and access points, support local communities and members in need, through our Holiday Family Fund and local school support campaigns, and also support us as we're growing and looking for a new place to call home in the future. If the Chapel has made a positive impact on your life and you have the financial means, we would welcome your one-time or regular donations, which can be made through PayPal. Or if you'd like to contribute directly to our Building/Relocation Fund, you can do that here. We remain in gratitude for you sharing your love and energy with us, in all its forms.