We differ from the other churches in that there is no one single leader at our Chapel. Different voices—our diverse ministers, board members, members, and guest speakers—are heard each Sunday, both as lecturers and those who preside over our services. (Learn more about becoming a presider or an approved speaker here.)
We provide an opportunity for people to share their light—not merely an opportunity for our congregation to sit and passively listen to what one person has to say.
Our Board of Ministers confers over spiritual aspects, and the Board of Directors has jurisdiction over business aspects. All decisions are made by consensus, and our Bylaws provide specific guidance.
Counseling & Healing at the Chapel
The healing and counseling programs and information provided by the Metaphysical Chapel of life are not intended to replace or supercede any professional counseling or treatment from any doctor or practitioner.
The Metaphysical Chapel of Life's dedicated and authorized Healers and Ministers do not claim to diagnose, cure, prescribe for or treat any disease or illness, nor dispense medical advice. Our mission is to provide spiritual information, spiritual energy and exchange healing Love and Light which the individual may apply according to their own free will and choice, in accordance with their own spiritual and religious beliefs.
About our Ministers
Rev. William A. Whitley
Rev. William A. Whitley is a founder and the Lead Minister with the Metaphysical Chapel of Life and has been a Chapel member since October 25, 1985. He was initially ordained a Novitiate Minister (1987) and then a Minister (1988) with the Chapel of Life and was a charter member of the Chapel. In 1998 Bill was ordained a Minister through the Metaphysical Chapel of Life, under the auspices of The Church of Enlightenment. Bill currently serves as President of the Board of Directors of The Church of Enlightenment and as the lead Minister with the Metaphysical Chapel of Life. Bill is a founding member of the Church of Enlightenment (November 9, 1997) and the Metaphysical Chapel of Life charted through The Church of Enlightenment (April 26, 1998). Bill was instrumental in establishing both organizations. Bill previously served on the Board of Directors of The Bridge of Light and was a founding Minister with the Chapel of Life charted through The Bridge of Light (April 11, 1986). Bill was the guiding influence that helped the Chapel of Life evolve into the current Metaphysical Chapel of Life. ••• Email Rev. Whitley
Rev. Bettye Mason
Rev. Bettye A. Mason is a Minister with the Metaphysical Chapel of Life and has been a Chapel member since November 16, 1986. She was initially ordained a Minister with the Chapel of Life and was a charter member of the Chapel. She became a Novitiate Minister in 1991 and was ordained in 1995 under the auspices of the Bridge of Light. In 2017 Bettye chose to be ordained through the Metaphysical Chapel of Life under the auspices of The Church of Enlightenment. Bettye has pursued studies under a multitude of teachers from across the country including shamanism. She has served the Chapel in many capacities from being in many positions on the Board of Directors and at all levels of the functioning of the Church. Even though her life path has taken her away on many occasions She has always returned, as an avid supporter, to the place she considers her spiritual home. •••Email Rev. Mason
Rev. Sharon Flynn
Rev. Sharon Flynn is a Minister with the Metaphysical Chapel of Life and has been a Chapel member since November 4, 1994. In 1999 Sharon became a Novitiate Minister through the Metaphysical Chap[el of Life and in 2002 she was fully ordained a Minister through the Metaphysical Chapel of Life, under the auspices of The Church of Enlightenment. Sharon is a Spiritual Consultant, a Healing Touch Practitioner and a certified Hypnotherapist. She has conducted numerous classes and workshops and has owned and operated Hypnosis and Healing Centers locally and in other areas. •••Email Rev. Flynn
Rev. Rory Hearn
Rev. Rory Hearn is a Minister with the Metaphysical Chapel of Life and has been a Chapel member since May 17, 1998. In 2003 Rory became a Novitiate Minister through the Metaphysical Chapel of Life and in 2005 he was fully ordained a Minister through the Metaphysical Chapel of Life, under the auspices of The Church of Enlightenment. Following his ordination with the Chapel Rory began a course of study that led to his current profession as a Professor of Psychology. He brings to us the wisdom from his many metaphysical/spiritual studies, as well as his academic endeavors in the fields of positive psychology and neurotheology. The words of wisdom that Rory shares blends eastern and western religions and philosophies with modern psychological research in a manner that shows how all are relevant to current situations. ••• Email Rev. Hearn
Rev. Cherylynn Tyler
Rev. Cherylynn Tyler (Hancock) is a Minister with the Metaphysical Chapel of Life and has been a Chapel member since April 23, 2005. In 2011 Cherylynn became a Novitiate Minister through the Metaphysical Chapel of Life and in 2017 she was fully ordained a Minister through the Metaphysical Chapel of Life, under the auspices of The Church of Enlightenment. Cherylynn is a Member of The Church of Enlightenment board and a dedicated Metaphysical Chapel of Life supporter. Cherylynn has training in many metaphysical modalities which she puts into practice in her support of the Chapel and her daily life. Cherylynn shares her teachings and training with those to whom she gives readings and messages, at the Chapel, the psychic fairs and those who seek her assistance on their path in life. ••• Email Rev. Tyler
Rev. Trish
Rev. Trish has been a member of the Metaphysical Chapel of Life since December 2018 and is a former Secretary and President of the Chapel’s Board of Directors. She is currently a novitiate minister pursuing full ordination through the Chapel. She is also a graduate of international medium Joseph Shiel’s evidential mediumship mentoring program, and she received her mediumship certification and Reiki practitioner certification through the Montclair Psychic School. Her studies in metaphysics began in the 1980’s and continue to this day, with a current focus on energy work, psychic phenomena, and spirit communication. Trish believes that greater peace in life is possible when you understand how the highs and lows of your current experience support your path in this incarnation. ••• Email Rev. Trish
Rev. Stanley Edward Maszczak (he/they)
Rev. Stanley Edward Maszczak (he/they) is a Novitiate Minister at the Chapel, and a multi-passionate speaker, writer, and transpersonal coach. Some of the other hats he’s worn have included: military police soldier; conflict mediator; Equal Opportunity Advisor; public affairs chief; radio DJ and producer; TV news journalist; theme park operations supervisor; church choir director; coffee shop store manager; Elmo and Buzz Lightyear for children’s birthday parties; and more. His current spiritual work has been greatly impacted by his own journey, navigating fundamentalist religion from a young age, coming out as gay and gender nonconforming, serving in the Army Reserve for almost 22 years—and retiring as a Master Sergeant in 2022. He is a Quantum Human Design™ Specialist (Level 4), Soul Realignment® Practitioner (Akashic Records), intuitive Tarot reader, and approaches all metaphysical work from the standpoint of empowering individuals and communities to connect with their own inner guidance system as they make aligned choices for their lives. Stanley completed initial studies (Bachelor of Metaphysical Science / BMsc.) and received ordination as a Metaphysical Practitioner with the International Metaphysical Ministry in 2017, and is currently pursuing his MMsc. He joined the Chapel in January 2018, served on the board of directors in 2023, currently edits the weekly newsletter, and continues to volunteer in various capacities.